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Case Study: Designer Wraps & Films’ Rebranding of Bergy Builders

By November 14, 2023Case Studies


Bergy Builders, a well-established construction company with customers like Aldi and TJ Maxx, sought to rejuvenate its brand image to reflect its growth and modern approach to construction. The company approached Designer Wraps & Films, a renowned creative agency known for its innovative graphic designs and vehicle wraps, for a complete rebranding solution.


  1. Develop a Fresh Brand Identity: To create a more contemporary and appealing brand image that resonates with both existing and potential clients.
  2. Enhance Visibility and Brand Awareness: Through eye-catching vehicle wraps, the aim was to turn the company’s fleet into mobile billboards, effectively reaching a wider audience.


Logo Redesign


  • Research and Conceptualization: The team researched construction industry trends, Bergy Builders’ history, and target audience preferences in-depth.
  • Design Elements: The new logo incorporated a modern, sleek font with a color palette representing professionalism, trust, and strength. A stylized ‘B’ was embodied to create brand recognition.
  • Feedback and Iteration: Preliminary designs were presented to Bergy Builders for feedback, and adjustments were made to align with their vision.

Vehicle Wrapping

Design and Execution:

  • Consistency with Branding: The vehicle wraps were designed to be consistent with the new logo and color scheme, ensuring brand uniformity.
  • High-Quality Materials: Durable, high-quality vinyl wraps were used to guarantee longevity and resilience against weather and wear.
  • Installation: A team of skilled technicians meticulously applied the wraps to Bergy Builders’ fleet, including various vehicles, from trucks and vans to a bass boat.


  1. Brand Reception: The client and their audience received the new logo well, projecting a more modern and dynamic image of Bergy Builders.
  2. Increased Visibility: The wrapped vehicles generated increased local visibility. This mobile advertising method improved brand recognition, with a noticeable increase in inquiries and website traffic.
  • Brand Graphics Standard Package: Bergy was presented with their own Brand Guide / Graphics Standard Booklet which shows them and anyone they’re supplying it to, the proper usage of their new brand, including fonts, Pantone colors and structure. 


Designer Wraps & Films’ rebranding of Bergy Builders successfully revitalized its image, aligning it with its current values and market position. The creative use of vehicle wraps reinforced the new branding and served as a powerful marketing tool, demonstrating the impact of cohesive and well-executed branding strategies. This case is a testament to the power of visual branding in transforming a company’s public image and reaching wider audiences through innovative marketing techniques

1035 N. Main St. Pitman, NJ